Battlefield 3

blogBattlefield 3 hmm where to start , well lets start graphic wise. The graphics on battlefield 3 are just absolutely amazing. they are top of the line graphics, now saying that i am not sure how they compare to the new Battlefield 4 but wont know that till fall.

Next up is the gamer’s experience, how interactive you are with the game is just stunning and breakthrough. You the gamer get taken into the video game in a new way. if you need to light up a target like a tank you can pickup a laser marker and tag the tank and watch it blow up. Also there are parts in the game where you have to do hand to hand combat and you control the movements. If you take the wrong move it could end your life and you would have to start over.

Next is weapons, there is a huge variety of weapons to use in story mode you can pick up any weapon you see on the ground. Here’s a quick tip if you are low on ammo just go up to one of the soldiers and press X and he will give you more ammo.

Missions, the missions are awesome its plays out like a story about one marine who is being questioned about finding a nuke in Afganastan. That’s all Im going to say 🙂 don’t want to give away to much.

Battlefield 3 is rated M for mature, for blood and strong language

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