Video Game Genres

Posted: October 29, 2013 in Uncategorized

Video Game Genres

Video games are a largely used as a past time all over the world. Video-gaming includes many classes or categories. Video games can be found in just about any home. Some genres are more popular than others. Gamers should consider action, adventure, and simulation categories as their main basis of video gaming.
Action games are a good place to start for any gamer. They require quick reflexes, accuracy, and timing to overcome obstacles. Action is just a basic genre in a broad spectrum. Included in action is combat, fighting, and 1st person shooter. Action is one of the most popular genres.
Another category, adventure games, were some of the earliest games created. One of the first adventure games created was Colossal Cave Adventure in 1970. Adventure games didn’t become popular till the release of Myst in 1993. The skills needed for adventure games are active mind and quick reflexes. Adventure games are not as popular as they used to be due to the fact there being few games.
A third option, simulation games, basically immerses the gamer into the game. Simulation puts the gamer in a real world simulation. For example, racing, plane flying, and combat. Skills used for simulation are quick reflexes, quick thinking, and basic video game skills. Simulation games are mostly popular for their 1st person shooter games.
Thus it can be seen that action, adventure, and simulation categories of video games are a good place to start gaming. Action game, with their many attributes, makes them a popular genre. Adventure games, being one of the earliest categories, have lost some popularity. Simulation games involve many skills and immerse you in the game. Gaming technology is forever changing, but these three categories will always be the basis of video gaming.

Battlefield 4 beta

Posted: October 19, 2013 in Uncategorized

for those of you who follow me what do you think of batllefield 4 beta?

Battlefield 4

Posted: September 21, 2013 in Uncategorized

Just pre-ordered my premium copy of  BattleField 4! When i get it ill do a full review!Image

Gaming setup

Posted: August 29, 2013 in Uncategorized

It’s finally here go check out my setup.

Coming Soon!

Posted: August 20, 2013 in Uncategorized

My ultimate gaming setup.


Posted: August 13, 2013 in Uncategorized

Sorry for the wait but its finally here Skyrim review! check it out now


Posted: August 11, 2013 in Uncategorized

very sorry for the wait for a new post having some technical difficulties.


Skyrim review coming soon

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Medal Of Honor


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